Protecting your neck and chest

Protecting your neck and chest

Why it’s important to protect your neck and chest

Not many people know that the face starts at the top of the forehead and end above the breasts. This means that there is a whole lot of skin that needs to be protected and maintained in order for you to look your best, and keep looking your best well into old age. This is especially important as the neck and chest gets as much damage as the face but gets less protection then the face as it is often over looked in the beauty regime. But if you are not totally convinced, here are some of the best reasons to pay some extra attentions to the neck and chest:

  • The skin on the chest and neck is thinner so damage by the sun is more obvious and harder to repair.
  • Most fabrics we wear can cause irritation that we are not aware of.
  • Generally the chest and neck is not as exfoliated as the rest of the face so there is more of a build-up of dead skin.
  • The neck and chest has less fatty tissue and collagen, which makes the skin less elastic and therefore more prone to wrinkles and fine lines.
Luckily it’s easy to keep the neck and chest hydrated and protected by just extending your usual beauty routine down a little!!

That’s why using one of Fountain Moisturiser’s is a fantastic way to keep your face and neck hydrated and protected as each Moisturiser has unique extracts and ingredients in order to hydrate and firm your neck and chest area.